Thursday, October 11, 2012

Bullet Words versus Physical Bullets

Having never been shot with a bullet from a gun, I cannot say with 100% assurance that bullet words shot from someones mouth causes more or less pain. But having experienced bullet words of name calling and cursing being screamed at me, I know first-hand the damage that word bullets caused me. 

As the "you are stupid" bullet hit me, it punctured the tissue of my emotions, crushing and pushing aside any and all good words ever said to me. Like physical bullets, it created a cavity 30 times wider than the path it takes through me. As the cavity closes behind the wound, I ignored the shock waves it left behind in me. The "#&@%#" curse word bullets stay inside my emotions transferring all of its kinetic energy ensuring maximum damage is done to my emotions. Some of those bullets shouted and yelled right in my face felt as if they were jacketed or hollow-point bullets fragmenting and dividing their destructive power between my feelings and into my whole body.

Although it has been almost 20 years since these and other bullets were shot at me daily, my body is still feeling the scars and adhesions left in my being as I write this blog.   Remember: Once bullet words have been shot from a person's mouth, they are deadly to the target's emotions and cannot be drawn back any more than a physical bullet shot from a gun.     Susan's website
   Bullet Wounds     Verbal Abuse