Friday, May 31, 2013

"I've learned if you spread the peas out on your plate, it looks like you ate more. -- Age 6"
Live And Learn And Pass It On

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Secondary PTSD

May is mental health and is likely not on the forefront of everyone’s mind.  It is important to know Secondary PTSD affects survivors of domestic and sexual violence. Spouses and children often "mirror" abuser symptoms, especially of veterans.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Elopment from Locked Nursing Facility

Attempted elopement from a skilled nursing facility in West Plains, MO on 5/12/13.  Carolyn and Phyllis packed all their belongings in their pillowcases, purses, and Wal-Mart bags, then went to the locked door of the unit and waited for someone, anyone to open it for them.  Nicole, a nurse, found them patiently waiting and trying to look all-innocent.  She explained that they couldn’t leave the facility without a staff member going with them.  Like children, the ladies obeyed the order to go back to their room to unpack.  Some time later when Nicole was making her rounds and walked into the now famous Carolyn and Phyllis room, the two of them were standing at the window looking at something.  Nicole joined them, smiled to herself, turned to them and asked, “What is your stuff doing out there on the ground?”  Carolyn and Phyllis looked to the corners of the room, the floor and anywhere else except at Nicole and did not answer. Escape had been partially successful.  They had ripped the screen loose, stuffed their pillows, comforters, clothing and a small potted plant through the 5-inch space to their freedom.  Carolyn and Phyllis no longer share the same room.  Alzheimer’s is a mean and cruel disease.  Choosing to see humor in my sister Carolyn’s actions, keeps me a little saner so I won’t be her roommate in the same facility any time soon. Mayo Clinic Info on Alzheimers

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Rising from the ashes of my sister's Alzheimer's

“The phoenix hope can wing her way through the desert skies and still, defying fortune’s spite, revive from ashes and rise.” ~Miguel de Cervantes     I've been buried in the ashes of my sister's Alzheimer's disease. For the first time today, I know I will survive and come out a stronger, more knowledgeable woman.

Monday, May 27, 2013

17 Hours on the Phone and No Help Available

Alzheimer's disease is consuming my life!  And I don't even have the disease.  Within 2 weeks, I took my sister's car away from her (she threw me out of her apartment when I told her I had moved it) Taking Drivers license Away From Senior Drivers and after 17 hours on the phone to various agencies including police, an ambulance company and many, many health agencies to get assistance for her at home (her income level is below poverty level but falls in a crack disqualifying her for most home services), she took care of the situation herself.  She fell while at Wal-mart and got a concussion that put her in the hospital and then moved to an Alzheimer's unit.   Hardest things I have had to do other than surviving 25 years in a verbally abusive marriage.  Susan's web site.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Simple Forgetfulness or Alzheimer's Disease

Is it Alzheimer’s disease where nerve cells in the brain die gradually, or is it simple forgetfulness?
More symptoms here: Alzheimer’s disease symptoms may be hard to recognize at first. You may assume that symptoms such as mild forgetfulness or an occasional loss of focus are normal signs of aging. But as the disease progresses, Alzheimer’s disease symptoms become more than “normal” changes. They become frightening, incapacitating, and dangerous. In the latter stages of disease, people with Alzheimer’s often require round-the-clock care.  Early symptoms here.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Have you met Alzheimer's Disease that sucks away memories?

Alzheimer's Disease is the most common type of dementia. Symptoms of Alzheimer's, including early-onset Alzheimer's, include problems with memory, judgment, and thinking, which makes it hard to work or take part in day-to-day life. As the stages of Alzheimer's progress, memory loss and other signs of Alzheimer's become more apparent. Many people find help with Alzheimer's drugs, but there is no cure for this form of dementia.More info here.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Taking Care of Her Roommate Helps my Sister

My little sis is adjusting better because her failed elopement got her moved into a different room with a new roommate.  The staff doesn't know who the ring leader was in sliding the window open about 5 inches (secured by a bar at that width because there have been successful escapes before), ripping the window screen loose, stuffing pillows, comforters and even a potted plant.  When caught in action, Carolyn and Phyllis acted like innocent toddlers as if they hadn't done anything wrong.  Now Carolyn thinks she is taking care of her roommate, Delores.  Everyone needs to feel needed and loved, even Alzheimer's patients.  Thank you sis for the laughter you gave me.  Donate here to help find a cure for Alzheimer's

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Alzheimer's in Her 50s?

My younger sister, Carolyn, at the age of 64 was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in October 2012.  The disease has progressed so fast, she is now in an Alzheimer's unit "locked in prison" as she calls it.  She is single with only me, a cousin and an aunt to take care of her.  Thank God there are 3 of us to figure out all this stuff.  It is overwhelming!  Alzheimer's at 51?

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Men Are Victims?

Domestic violence against men - you're kidding, right?!  2 of my family members, who are men in their 40s, are getting divorces due to being shot with deadly bullet words.  1 of them spent a night in jail because his wife said he was abusing her. In actuality, he was protecting himself from pummeling him by holding her wrists. These young men are just as devastated by the abuse, maybe more so, because society doesn't label women as abusers very often.  To learn more info:  Domestic Violence Against Men: Know the Signs

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Am I in a Healthy Relationship?

Do you love the person you are dating?  Is there a gnawing in your gut that something isn't quite right but you can't name it?  You may find your answer in this quiz.
Am I in a Healthy Relationship?

Monday, May 20, 2013

Finding Peace

"If you allow yourself to be bored, even for an hour - or less - and don't fight it, the feelings of boredom will be replaced wit feelings of peace.  And after a little practice, you'll learn to relax." Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Am I a Good Parent?

"I've learned that you can tell how good a parent you were by observing your children with their children. --Age 82"

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Bullying and Verbal Abuse

Bullying AND verbal abuse such as name calling and ordering you around is dating violence waiting on the sidelines to happen.  Questionnaire to see if you are in an abusive relationship. Find out before it is too late.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

50,000 Thoughts

It has been estimated that the average human being has around 50,000 thoughts per day.  Some positive and productive --- Some negative.  If you CHOOSE to ignore or dismiss the negative ones, a peaceful feeling is only a moment away.