Monday, September 14, 2015


  • Bystanders who watch and record bulling are encouraging and empowering bullies continue to do it again, and again, and again.
  • They count on no one being courageous to stop them.
  • If no one intervenes, bullies are 60% more likely to perpetrate violence against intimate partners as adults.
Each successful bullying event reinforces their intense desire and need for control in the hopes no one will ever intervene.  So the cycle goes on and on and on. Bullies are not born.  They learn "how to" use their actions by watching successful abusers – adults and other children. The good news is that bullies can be salvaged from the schoolyards.

ACTION POINT: Arm yourself and be ready to HALT bullying in its tracks. Register here to attend the FREE workshop: HALT Teen Dating & Domestic Violence on Saturday, 10/17/15, 8:30 to 11:30 am,    And for more bulling information, click here

Saturday, September 12, 2015

"The Outrage" What is it?

HALT Family Abuse is proud to announce actors from  "The Outrage" will be educating and answering questions at this FREE interactive workshop in October.  Dynamics of relationships developed with friends, family and dating partners during their teens lay foundations that stay with them the rest of their lives.   "The Outrage" received the national Innovative Initiative of the Year Award in 2010,   SAFEHOME is Johnson County's only domestic violence shelter.

If your school is in Johnson County, KS and you would like to schedule a performance of “The Outrage,” please call 913.432.9300 and ask for “The Outrage” Coordinator.

True or False: Domestic violence spiked Labor Day weekend?

"You gotta be kidding," was my immediate reaction to the answer of False!  But according to the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence that holidays see an increase of domestic violence is largely a myth.  The reason being that victims try harder to keep the peace when families are spending time together.

On second thought, during the
 23 years together with my ex-husband, it was easy to not upset him during holidays.  He was a "happy" drunk.  It was the days after holidays that he raged and changed from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde. 

What do you think?

To hear more of my story - register for the FREE workshop -
 HALT Teen Dating Abuse & Domestic Violence being held October 17, 2015, Saturday, 8:30 to 11:30 am at Leawood Baptist Church, 8200 State Line Road, Leawood, KS -Register at my website - HALT Family or

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Do you know what "1 in 3" mean?

  • 1 in 3 teen dating relationships are experiencing some form of abuse and violence .
  • 1 in 3 women experience domestic violence causing more injuries to them than car accidents, muggings, and rapes, COMBINED.

Every third girl and woman you know is experiencing one or more forms of these abuses.   * Emotional      * Financial      * Physical      * Sexual      * Verbal

Click to learn ways YOU can make a difference for loved ones in your life!!!  And register here or at for the interactive FREE workshop: HALT Teen Dating Abuse & Domestic Violence on October 17, 2015, Saturday, 8:30 – 11:30 am.  Donations are appreciated and 25% goes to Safehome domestic violence shelter in Johnson County, KS. 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

1 in 3 Girls Under 18 Will Be Molested

(Leawood, KS) Statistics say 1 in 3 girls under 18 will  be molested. How many girls do you know under the age of 18? Register for the upcoming HALT Teen Dating Abuse & Domestic Violence on Saturday 10/17/2015 & learn how to identify signs of abuse in teens and domestic violence. Limited space available.

Register at or